How do those who want to serve a mission best prepare?
- Focus on studying the words of Christ to keep myself in tune with the Spirit so I can receive spiritual guidance day by day. The Doctrine and Covenants says to "seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word."
- Whether or not I serve a full-time mission, these are some guidelines I can follow as a full-time member of the LDS Church:
~ Live my life by charity. (Richard G. Scott, "The Power of Scripture")
~ Share who I am by fixing misconceptions about the Church and keeping the Spirit with me.
Be bold in my declaration of Jesus Christ. He is the central figure in all human history. All scriptures witness of Him. He is the foundation of all mankind. Only through Him can we be saved.
Be a righteous example to others wherever I go.
Speak up about the church in everyday conversation. Ask my associates questions, too. Have two-way conversations. (L. Tom Perry, "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear")
~ Teach by the spirit whether it’s in parenting, leading, or teaching. (Matthew O. Richardson, "Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit")
- Those preparing to serve missions need:
~ A desire to preach the gospel.
~ A testimony.
~ Love for others.
- If I’m not sure about serving a mission, see my bishop. (Kazuhiko Yamashita, "Missionaries Are a Treasure of the Church")
How can we better use our time with modern technology (phones, Facebook, etc.)?
- We are trained to text and tweet which we can use to quicken the work of the Lord, not just communicate quicker with our friends.
- Teach people the basics of FamilySearch, but allow them to explore and become interested in it themselves.
- Devote more time to family history work and spreading the gospel and less time on Facebook. The more we do family history, the more we will love it and be passionate about it—just like anything else we spend our time doing. This work is vital in salvation and exaltation. (David A. Bednar, "The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn")
- Don’t become addicted to fingertip communication. As good as instant communication is, we can’t allow it to push aside what is most important.
- Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text. A physical hug means more than a text.
- Become master over those pointless technological things rather than letting them master us. (Ian S. Ardern, "A Time to Prepare")
- Use the internet to share religious beliefs when directed by the spirit. Communicate the message honestly and directly. (Perry, "Perfect Love")
Why do some people miss out on the blessings of marriage in this life? Why do some people experience divorce and death of loved ones? Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people, and how do we deal with these tragedies?
- Social status and wealth do not matter. Those who are never given a high status or calling can have just as great of an influence as anyone else. So no matter what your role is in life, you still matter, and you can make a difference.
- If you’re struggling, you will not feel discouragement forever. Hold on, have hope, and believe in Him. You will experience His promises. We don’t realize what He has prepared for us. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "You Matter to Him")
- Those who don’t receive blessings of marriage and parenthood in this life will receive those blessings in the next.
- This life is but a small moment. Don’t be discouraged when things don’t work out as planned. Always have hope and live righteously. The Lord will provide. (Neil L. Anderson, "Children")
- “Wait upon the Lord. . . . Thy will be done.”
- When we have a spouse die, financial hardships, children wandering from the path, etc…it’s hard, but joy will come.
- Have hope and trust. Have faith, patience, and humility. Receive and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Stand fast and continue forward. Be immovable in keeping the commandments.
- Sincere prayer will be answered sometime and somewhere. Wait upon our families and allow them to wait upon us. Have patience. (Robert D. Hales, "Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done")
- We have a Father in Heaven who understands our sufferings perfectly. Christ’s atonement covers all suffering. His plan includes life before and after death—it is eternal.
- Don’t look at the world just through the lens of mortality; it looks depressing and hopeless. There will be glorious fulfillment.
- To deal with tragedies, recognize blessings we receive. Great blessings come to those who are faithful. Maintain a spirit of gratitude. Our experiences not always result in happy endings in mortality.
- The righteous who are killed enter the rest of the Lord. The atonement covers all unfair trials of life. Viewed in the light of the gospel, there is an eternal reward for all. God has prepared for the return of those who love Him. (Quentin L. Cook, "The Songs They Could Not Sing")
What can we learn from little children?
- Those who will inherit the kingdom of God are those who will become as a child. (Uchtdorf, "You Matter")
- We can see consequences when children can’t sometimes. Lovingly invite, encourage, teach, and warn of consequences. (Randall K. Bennett, "Choose Eternal Life")
How do we exercise righteous judgment?
- Speak up about the church in our everyday lives. Have a two-way conversation with associates; ask them questions too. Don’t be afraid to share the gospel—there is no fear in love. Don’t be defensive or arguable. (Perry, "Perfect Love")
What’s the best way to study the scriptures?
- Memorize scriptures.
- Read from all the books, including the Old Testament.
- Read the Book of Mormon consistently -- every day. (Scott, "The Power of Scripture")
What is the right way to pray?
- In order to live in the world and not of it, we must communicate to God through prayer. He wants us to talk to Him.
- Don’t let a day go by without communicating with Heavenly Father. (Thomas S. Monson, "Stand in Holy Places")
- We can ask God all things, and He will answer our prayers even if they seem dumb or insignificant. If it’s something we desire righteously, God will bless us, because whatever matters to us matters to Him.
- Give heartfelt and specific thanks.
- Prayer should be honest. Don’t ask God to do for us what we can do for ourselves. (J. Devn Cornish, "The Privilege of Prayer")
How can I look past the world and not fear what might happen in my future?
- I won’t make a mistake without first being warned by the Holy Spirit.
- Don’t think, “The way things are going, the world will be over soon.” That is not true. I can move forward with hope. (Boyd K. Packer, "Counsel to Youth")
- Do we wring our hands in despair and wonder how we’ll ever survive in such a world? No! We have control over our lives. Although the world is always changing, God’s commandments haven’t. (Monson, "Stand in Holy Places")
How does every person fit in to God's Plan of Salvation? What happens to those who do not have a chance to hear the gospel before Jesus comes again and the Millennium begins?
- The Millennium will be a time of immense missionary work, not the “end of the world.” (L. Whitney Clayton, "The Time Shall Come")
- The universe is incomprehensible. But the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. The universe is built for our benefit.
- Compared to God, man is nothing, but we are everything to God. (Uchtdorf, "You Matter")
- There is so much work to be done (temple work) and we are the only ones who can do it.
- We want everyone to experience the joy that comes from the gospel! We must share it with as many people as we can! (Bednar, "The Hearts of the Children")
- This life is but a small moment. Don’t be discouraged when things don’t work out as planned. Always have hope and live righteously. The Lord will provide. (Anderson, "Children")
- Jesus Christ brings contentment, hope, and happiness in this life and in the eternities. (Perry, "Perfect Love")
- There was a story told of an LDS person who traveled to London for medical training. He had a desire to make a difference in the world, but he did not survive when the ship sank. The righteous who are killed enter the rest of the Lord. The atonement covers all unfair trials of life. Viewed in the light of the gospel, there is an eternal reward for all. God has prepared for the return of those who love Him. (Cook, "The Songs")
How can I be braver in sharing the gospel?
- We have great responsibility to share the Lord’s plan with those who need it. The Lord expects us to share our service. (Jose L. Alonso, "Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time, without Delay")
- The Book of Mormon is either true or it isn’t.
- Many ask, “Why is the Book of Mormon so essential if we already have the Bible?” If everyone interpreted the Bible the same way we would all be one church. The Law of Two Witnesses combines the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and both books combine allow us to understand and enjoy the full blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (God has a remedy of healing power). The Book of Mormon confirms that there is continued revelation.
- “If ye shall believe in Christ ye shall believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ.” (Tad R. Callister, "The Book of Mormon--A Book from God")
- Use the full name of the church. Always be willing to let others know who we follow.
- “Latter day” shows that this is the same church as in Christ’s ministry, just restored in the latter days.
- “Jesus Christ” is central. If people ask if I’m a Mormon, say, “I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe in the Book of Mormon. Mormon was an ancient prophet, and this book is another testament of Jesus Christ. That is why we are often called "Mormons." (M. Russell Ballard, "The Importance of a Name")