
Friday, September 9, 2011

2 Nephi 2:4 - What does it mean that the spirit is the same yesterday, today, and forever?

In 2 Nephi 2:4, we see that Jacob has experienced great revelations which have led to a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. In fact, Jacob has been blessed "even as they unto whom [Christ] shall minister in the flesh" after Christ's resurrection. Ever since the fall of man, the way has been prepared.

Jacob's testimony shows that the spirit was the same in his time as it was in Christ's time, and it remains the same today. The spirit testified to Jacob of the coming of Jesus Christ, which didn't occur until about 500 years after Jacob was alive. The spirit is constant, and it is always teaching the same doctrine and the same eternal plan of happiness.

Despite persecutions and strong arguments against the coming of Christ, Jacob was able to maintain solid faith in Jesus Christ "because of the many revelations and the many things which [he] had seen concerning" Christ's coming. Also, he "had heard the voice of the Lord speaking unto [him] in very word . . . wherefore, [he] could not be shaken" (Jacob 7:5). It's amazing that Jacob had so much faith in Jesus Christ 500 years before His actual birth. His example is truly one to be recognized. We can use this example to realize that the revelations we receive today are guided by the same spirit that revealed the same truths to saints and prophets centuries ago.

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