
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shifting gears...

Up to this point, this blog has included posts about doctrinal insights I've gained from asking questions and seeking answers from the scriptures and words of church leaders. My posts have been formal and straightforward, without much personal experience or testimony. I've realized recently that one of the most effective ways to reach people is to share personal experiences, so my posts are going to become less formal and more conversational. I want to share why I've been led to certain questions and what personal insights I have gained through studying those questions. I will still post doctrinal insights and references, but I will include much more of my own voice!

To start off...I will say that I have a deep appreciation for the scriptures. I need to spend time in them every day, not to check it off my list of to-dos, but to keep myself grounded in the truth. It's too easy to get caught up in all the voices of the world, so I need that daily pickup from the scriptures to bring me back to God's simple truths. I can't tell you how many times I have read the scriptures and thought, "Wait, I don't remember reading this before!" It's like God is speaking to me in words that I'm not actually reading. He speaks to me between the lines.

I will never have all the answers, but what I DO know is enough. It's enough to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, He makes up for all that I do wrong, He helps me become better, and there is always hope when I do my best to follow Him. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know, and the more I see the need to depend on Him. I'm grateful every day for my Savior, and I hope through my studies I can come to know Him better.

I will try to post at least weekly, to keep myself accountable for what I study. If I don't post as's because I'm so caught up in answering a question and there's too much to study in just a few days :) Feel free to comment or send me your own questions!

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