
Monday, February 21, 2011

How do I "deny myself of all ungodliness?" (2 Nephi 31:20)

In order to live my life to the fullest and gain eternal life, I must live like Jesus Christ lived. I can't live like Him if I don't know Him, so I have to study His life in the scriptures and understand His character as best I can!

Ways to "deny myself of all ungodliness" include:

1. Focusing on others and looking outside myself.

2. Making the most out of life by doing productive things. Each person has potential to become a god or goddess, so we need to practice living lives that will prepare us for heaven.

3. Trusting in God and asking Him for help. Once we understand that God knows everything and that we can place all our trust in Him, there is no reason to follow the ways of the world. It is so easy to get caught up in current fads and ways of thinking, but all that really matters is that we're doing God's will. We should turn to Him for all of our questions and concerns, and He will guide us.

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